Declaration on privacy
Any information about authors (family name, name, patronymic, position, academic degree, academic title, ORCID of the author, author’s organization, organization address, e-mail address, phone number for readers to communicate with authors), given by them to be published in the journal, becomes accessible for anybody; authors grant their written consent to it by signing relevant cover documents submitted together with a paper and by signing a form containing complete information about authors required for Russian editions indexing in reference database of the Russian Scientific Citation Index (the list of required data on authors can be found on the Journal web-site, in “Author’s information” section). Publication of the above-mentioned data is accomplished allowing for authors’ interests as it makes for complete and correct account of publications and their citation by relevant reference organizations and for providing possible contacts between authors and scientific society as a whole.
Private information which is given to the journal by authors apart from the above-mentioned obligatory data, including additional e-mail addresses and phone numbers, will be used only for contacting authors in the process of preparing a paper for publication. The Editorial board undertakes not to give this private information to any third parties which can use it for pursuing any other goals.