Rules of submission, review and publication

1. All the scientific articles sent to the editor’s office of «Vestnik Bryanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta» (««BSU Vestnik») are subject to blind peer reviewing and screening for plagiarism.

2. The chief editor or the executive secretary of the journal determine the compliance of the article to the format requirements and submit it to the review of the expert, a doctor or a candidate of sciences having closest scientific specialization to the subject of the article.

3. Review term in each separate case is defined by the executive secretary of the journal proceeding from the idea to create the conditions for maximum operational publication of the article. The maximum term of reviewing is a month.

4. In compliance with the established procedure the review consistently reflects the following:

  • general scientific level of the work;
  • the title and its correspondence to the contents of the article;
  • urgent character of the subject;
  • academic novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the article;
  • article structure;
  • presence of controversial and/or incorrect provisions;
  • correctness of terminology;
  • consistency of narration;
  • possession of scientific style;
  • correctness of citing and reference apparatus;
  • compliance to the format requirements of BSU Vestnik.
  • the reviewer’s conclusion about the possibility of the article publication.

    5. The review shall be certified by the handwritten signature of the reviewer.

    6. Reviewing is carried out confidentially. The author of the reviewed article can study the review text. Breach of confidentiality is possible only in case of the reviewer’s statement about inauthenticity or falsification of the materials stated in the article.

    7. If the review contains recommendations about correction and completion of the article, the staff of Scientific and Methodical Department sends the review text to the author by e-mail with the suggestion to consider the remarks and send a new version of the article or give reasonable arguments against the remarks. Improved (corrected) article is repeatedly submitted for reviewing and is considered within a month.

    8. The article which hasn’t been recommended by the reviewer for publication is not accepted for repeated consideration. The text of the negative review is sent to the author by e-mail.

    9. The presence of the positive review does not provide a sufficient basis for article publication, the final decision on the expediency of the publication is made by the journal editorial board.

    10. After the editorial board decides positively on the article publication, the staff of Scientific and Methodical Department informs the author about it and specifies publication terms. The text of the positive review is sent by e-mail, fax or is posted to the author if he wishes to check the response.

    11. Reviews are kept in the journal for 5 years.

    12. The editorial Board sends copies of the reviews in the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation in the event of receipt of the request.