№1-2018 — 25

Gorbov N. M., Pogonisheva D. A., Gorbova T. M.
Bioadekvatnoe management of socioecologicaleconomic systems using theory of fractals
In the conditions of development of a nooekonomika the used technologies of management of sotsio-ekologo-economic systems are connected with growth of contradictions between the individual and the state. The fact causes loss by workers of ability to self-government, self-improvement, self-updating, self-development. Formation of cognitive economy staticizes need of use of innovative technologies for management of business processes. In article the concept «line of activity of people» representing the information device which is adjusting inner world of the personality on awareness of creative, tool, material, interpersonal-social, information, ecological entities of his life is opened. Reproduction of activity of society during updating of internal forces depends on the strategic management focused on formation natural of the power sated and power reproducing interrelation of elementary and global processes. Activity of the personality is shown in the devyatisferny environment: social, spiritual, competence-based, technical and dynamic, material and subject, organizational and information and power-ecological. Authors have proved transition to bioadequate management of sotsio-ekologo-economic systems, realization of optimum spatial and economic transformations in the region based on the theory of fractals. Formation taking into account fractality of regional administrative and territorial units causes determination of the regularities of the organization of the spatial systems of various very tectonics personifying polarization and differentiation, predetermining region allocation, establishment of drivers of growth in the modern macroeconomic environment.
Keywords: socio-ecological-economic system, bioadequate management, fractals.
