Grigorev A.M.

DOI: 10.22281/2413-9912-2021-05-02-29-46


The article discusses the question of the appointment of additional belts, which were erected on the sites of Chersonesos Chora in the III-II centuries BC. In ordinary sense, these architectural elements served to strengthen the walls and towers, however, for today in Russian historiography there is no consensus about the reasons and purpose of such strengthening. Almost all of researchers, who have addressed this case, agree with on their “anti-ram” (ie fortification) or anti-seismic purpose. In connection with the significant accumulation of archaeological data both in Russia and abroad, it seems possible to consider this architectural phenomenon in a wider time and geographical framework, as well as to attach some facts that may indicate other reasons for the emergence these architectural elements. This research based on the consideration of analogies to the studied architectural objects — construction remains similar in design, recorded in the territory of the Eastern Crimea. Thus, the expanded geography and chronology of the architectural phenomenon allows one to obtain new theoretical generalizations.

Keywords: Chersonesos, ancient fortifications, settlement, Northern Black Sea Coast, anti-ram belts, towers.

Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)

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