Ismailova Z.A.
DOI: 10.22281/2413-9912-2021-05-03-70-82
This article is devoted to the study of such a separate historical and literary genre as the chronicle praise of the ruler. During the XI-XVI centuries, chronicle praise was a very common technique of medieval scribes. Comparing the praises of different Russian Chronicles and different historical periods, the author proves that the chronicle praise of the ruler grew out of a brief posthumous description of him, reflected the chronicler’s good knowledge, his likes and dislikes, and in the XII century acquired a ready – made form-a literary form. Early praises (XI-XIII centuries) correctly reflected historical reality, contained individual traits of the ruler, changed depending on historical conditions, which increases their value as a historical source. It was also found out that there were two main forms of praise – southern and northern. The difference between them is that southern praise was secular, while northern praise was ecclesiastical; southern praise was limited to local interests, and northern praise had a world – historical scale. In general, praise can be considered as a separate chronicle of the medieval genre, characterized by special plot and stylistic features.
Keywords: praise, ruler, Prince, chronicler, posthumous characteristic, literary form, A. A. Shakhmatov, Nikon-chronicler, Kiev chronicle, Galician-Volyn chronicle, Tatar invasion.
Academician I.G. Petrovskii Bryansk State University (Russia)
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