Leontev A.A., Alieva L.V.
DOI: 10.22281/2413-9912-2021-05-03-110-117
Despite the large volume of archival materials on church discipline in Russia of the XIX – early XX centuries, this topic has been studied rather poorly. This article analyzes the source base on the church discipline in the Pskov diocese based on the materials of the State Archive of the Pskov region. During the study of these sources, a count of specific violations of the church discipline among the laity, church officers and the clergy was made, and the main categories of offenses were identified. The main types of punishments for violating church discipline are shown. The gender composition of laypeople in the structure of offenses is considered. The structure of the titles of archival cases concerning violations of the church discipline is also addressed. The author came to the conclusion that clerics were punished mainly for drunkenness and official misconduct. In relation to the laity, the Pskov Spiritual Consistory most often considered cases related to the violations of sexual morality and illegal marriages, as well as murders and suicide attempts. This work is relevant because at present the Russian Orthodox Church is continuing to create unified documentation regulating the issues of the church court. This study, in turn, allows us to update the historical experience of regulating the church discipline and assigning punishments for its violation. The uniqueness of this work lies in the fact that the materials on the church discipline of the Pskov diocese of the XIX – early XX centuries have been analyzed for the first time, and the data obtained were introduced into scientific circulation.
Keywords: church discipline, Pskov eparchy, Church history, сhurch law, source studies.
Pskov State University (Russia)
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