

DOI: 10.22281/2413-9912-2022-06-01-185-192

Mikhalchenko S. I.


The article is devoted to the interpretation of the image and activities of Prince St. Vladimir by the famous Russian legal scholar and philosopher Yevgeny Vasilyevich Spektorsky (1875-1951). Spektorsky referred to the image of the prince several times in articles in Russian and Serbian during his emigration to Yugoslavia. Special attention is paid to the participation of the scientist in the Vladimir collection of 1930, released after the Russian emigration began celebrating the Day of Russian Glory. On the basis of archival documents from the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, the details of the preparation of an article for the second Vladimir collection of 1939 are shown. The researcher considered St. Vladimir one of the main historical figures in the history of Russia, and the adoption of Christianity — the most important event in Russian history and singled out, in this regard, a special period in the history of Russia — «Holy Russia». Comparing Prince Vladimir with Peter the Great and Alexander II, he gave primacy to Vladimir. Spektorsky also considered the images of St. Vladimir and St. Cyril and Methodius, as well as St. Savva, to be equal in size. For the first time, the materials of correspondence between E.V. Spektorsky and A.V. Solovyov are introduced into scientific circulation and also actualizes attention to inaccessible articles of the scientist of the 1930s.

Keywords: Spektorsky E.V., Russian emigration in Yugoslavia, Prince Vladimir the Saint, history of Russia, theological views of Russian thinkers

Academician I.G. Petrovskii Bryansk State University (Russia)

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