
DOI: 10.22281/2413-9912-2022-06-03-154-164

Cheked R.S., Kudlanov K.B.


Based on various archival and narrative sources, the authors analytically compare the features of the development of counties, which located at the south from the Belgorod line. The researchers chose the Pavlovsky and Bobrovsky counties of the Voronezh province, on which territory, they systematized all kinds of migrations during the XVIII-th century. In the course of a comparative analysis, the authors found differences in the development of the studied area. For example, the influence of the compatriot principle in resettlements in the territory of the Pavlovsky county. In general, there were more common features between the aforementioned counties. The authors found that the identical river system and the geography of the location of the studied counties caused the same influence of the processes that prevented this territory from becoming the traditional habitats of smallholders. Between the disappearance of the danger from the nomads and the active colonization of landowners, the descendants of the military service people had only half of the century time window for the development of counties, which located to the south from the Belgorod line. This process was also hindered by the termination of government patronage in the development of the Central Chernozem region and the strong exploitation of the one-courtyard people on the Ukrainian line, which caused their mass exodus. All this happened against the background of communal land ownership by the smallholders in the under study area, which significantly narrowed their area of settlement, while improving its quality. In addition, it was revealed that the period of the voluntary active phase of resettlement is associated with the period of maturation of resettlement centers in previously developed areas. In the studied time period the authors, the maturity of these foci has not been yet observed everywhere. Further active phase of landlord colonization from the middle of the XVIII-th century finally predetermined the social appearance at the studied territory not in favor of the descendants of the military service people. As a result, the authors conclude that the traditional habitats of one-courtyard people were formed due to a long period of favorable conditions for the development of area by the military service people and their descendants.

Keywords: military service people, one-courtyard people, smallholders, settlers, county, Central Chernozem region.

Kursk branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Russia)

Kursk branch of the Russian Society of the Historians and of the Archivists (Russia)

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