DOI: 10.22281/2413-9912-2023-07-01-27-37
Bukalova S.V.
The article reconstructs the integral system of children’s care during the World War I, aimed at the soldiers’ children – those whose fathers were at the front, were killed or maimed. There are characterized measures of their state support and highlighted main organizational structures engaged in charitable care of this category of children on an all-Russian scale. A special role among them was occupied by the Elizabethan Committee, which provided subsidiary support to local charitable initiatives. Significant, that large charitable organizations also received state funding. The mechanisms for providing support to child-victims of war were the assignment of benefits, including payment for education, and placement in specialized institutions on a permanent or temporary basis, including with vocational training. The article gives information is about new types of children’s institutions, that received support during the war – nurseries, agricultural colonies, hearths. These progressive institutions of public education became widespread in military circumstances and continued their development in the post-revolutionary period. Emphasized a movement towards the adoption of a special law that enshrines guarantees of state support for children, which needs of assistance. The author comes to the conclusion that the evolution of children’s care during the World War I followed the path of establishing the foundations of state social policy.
Keywords: World War I, Russian Empire, children, orphans, charity, social policy, nursery, agricultural shelters
Central Russian Institute of Management – branch of the RANEPA (Russia)
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