

 DOI: 10.22281/2413-9912-2023-07-01-163-172

Shumakov A.A.


This work is the first attempt in Russian historiography to analyze the largest armed uprising of black slaves in the South of the United States – the uprising on the German coast of 1811. In the course of his research, the author analyzes in detail the complex of causes and prerequisites of the phenomenon under consideration, assessing some existing approaches, the course of the rebellion and the consequences, including indirect and delayed. The work is based on an extensive source base and the works of leading American experts in the field of Black History, the history of the Deep South, American slavery and more. Narrative, historical-genetic, comparative-historical and retrospective methods are used as the main research methods, parallels are drawn with other well-known uprisings and slave conspiracies in the United States, in particular, with the Gabriel conspiracy of 1800, the Denmark Veasey conspiracy of 1822 and the Virginia Uprising led by Nat Turner of 1831. In conclusion, the author gives a general assessment of the relevance of the chosen topic and the reasons for the defeat of the uprising on the German coast of 1811.

Keywords: Charles Deslond, William Claiborne, Orleans Slave Revolt of 1811, uprising on the German coast of 1811, Deep South, slave revolts, slavery, abolitionism, African American history (Black History)

Tula Branch of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Russia)

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