Zolotov V.I.

DOI: 10.22281/2413-9912-2021-05-03-46-57


The paper considers some problems of learning Historical Space, which is one of the modern historical knowledge’s directions. In the mid-twentieth century, F. Brodel foregrounded matter of Historical Space social component. Understanding of different globalization’s scope, correlation between national and supranational, special features of developing different nations becomes more and more demanding in modern social, humanitarian knowledge. In methodology topic geographical space is limited by social interaction, and in certain way, transforming into historical space. Subject field of Historical Space anyway is sociocultural and defines features of social community’s existence. Boarders of community forms chains of interaction, also forms limits of real individuals’ behaviour and their interpersonal relationships. Nature of Historical Space’s subject produces the problem of correlation between sociological and anthropological approach. The importance of anthropological episteme, the profound unconscious basis of social practises, is more and more visibly in modern historical knowledge (I.M Savelieva). Lack of attention to such basis became an object of criticism Brodel’s «geohistory» and his irrecognition of history of mentalities as a subject defining main directions of social development. With specific examples, P.U. Uvarov considers the process of establishment medieval civilization in the context of epoch different social communities’ interactions. Relocation of nomadic civilizations from East and Central Asia to the West led to fundamental changes in landowner’s society in the West of Eurasia. In this area were formed circumstances, that provided effective interaction between individual and society in space of parish and manor, these two centers of power and influence, in the condition of weak government. Way of thinking in the region guaranteed creative potential of social contradictions. Spain’s loss of power and wealth by the end of XVI century was analyzed through perception of the world so-called picaro, the peninsula citizen, disrupted his entire routine, the keeper of social negative attitudes of mind and behavior, by I.U. Nikolaeva. Time and space perspectives of learning Historical Study with appropriate multidisciplinary approach gain new heuristic potential.

Keywords: historical space, social community, F. Braudel, anthropological approaches, unconscious, ecclesia, estate, picaro.

Academician I.G. Petrovskii Bryansk State University (Russia)

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