DOI: 10.22281/2413-9912-2022-06-04-137-140
Kashchenko S.G., Kashchenko E.S.
Mizis Yu.A., Napolnikova P.K. On the southern borders of the Moscow State: Monograph in 3 books. Book 1. History of settlement and development of Tambov and Kozlovsky counties of the XVI – XVII centuries. (before 1635). – Tambov: Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin. Derzhavinsky Publishing House. 2022. – 236 p.
The review presents an analysis of a new monograph by Yu.A.Mizis and P.K.Napolnikova devoted to the history of settlement and development of the Tambov and Kozlov counties. It analyzes the history of colonization of the territory before the construction of fortresses and field fortifications. The authors consider the region between the rivers of Tsna and Voronezh as part of the southern frontier at the stage of a permanent mobile border. The processes taking place in the interfluve of these rivers reflected the general trends in the development of the southern border region.
Keywords: southern frontier, Tambov and Kozlov counties, colonization and exploration.
Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University (Russia)
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