№1-2018 — 16
DOI: 10.22281/2413-9912-2018-02-01-131-135
Stolarov E.V., PetrovYu.Yu.
Finds of weapons andaccoutrements in the second half of xiv – early xv centuries from archaeological complex at d. Small Strekalovka
The article discusses the new finds of weapons and accoutrements found during archeological excavations on the territory of the complex of archaeological site of the XIV-XV centuries. In the scientific revolution introduced rare for the findings from Upper Poochya – plate armor and Mace. These things have been preserved in the cultural layer as a result of military clashes, which occurred in the early fifteenth century. After this event, the archaeological site cease to exist.
Keywords: settlement, medieval, weapons and accoutrements, Upariver, plate armor, a Mace.