DOI: 10.22281/2413-9912-2022-06-03-92-98
Mukhina M.V.
The article analyzes the domestic historiography devoted to the problem of preparing and holding elections to the All-Russian Constituent Assembly. Special attention is paid to modern Russian research. If in the Soviet period the main attention of historians was focused on the activities of the Bolshevik Party in relation to the Constituent Assembly, then since the 1990s. the range of studied problems has expanded significantly, new sources have been introduced into scientific circulation. A major researcher of various aspects of the history of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly is Doctor of Historical Sciences L.G. Protasov. His detailed work became the basis for many modern researchers. Every year interest in the history of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly does not weaken, and the list of problems considered by historians is increasing. The author identifies several areas of modern research: the election activities of political parties in preparation for the elections, the peculiarities of the electoral process in the regions, the attitude of individual politicians to the Constituent Assembly, the specifics of historical sources directly related to the elections, the attitude of certain categories of the population to the Constitution, as well as the consequences of the dispersal of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly. The author concluded that, despite the available variety of studies, a number of issues require further development, including the work of election commissions on the ground, violations in the election procedure, the activities of political parties and their representatives during the elections. The regions of the Central Industrial District of Russia remain poorly investigated.
Keywords: Soviet period, All-Russian Constituent Assembly, historiography, researchers, all-Russian level, regional level, election holding, election results, Kaluga province.
Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University (Russia)
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