
DOI: 10.22281/2413-9912-2022-06-03-106-113

Prokonin F.I.


The article deals with the Anglo-Japanese alliance in the assessment of the British press. An explanation of the reasons for the revision of the foreign policy paradigm known as the policy of «brilliant isolation» only from the economic and political points of view would be incomplete without taking into account such a factor as «public opinion», which had an indirect influence on the decision-making process in the field of foreign policy. The press – newspapers and magazines, by the beginning of the 20th century, becomes an important tool for expressing public opinion and the interests of various social groups – officials, entrepreneurs, workers and representatives of the intellectual environment. British newspapers and magazines published materials covering the prehistory of the 1902 treaty, the position of the ruling circles in England and allied Japan, the attitude of the countries of continental Europe and America, as well as public figures of these states to the Anglo-Japanese alliance. The British public and journalists were also interested in the economic potential and military organization of the Mikado Empire. Newspapers and magazines assessed and analyzed all the possible risks associated with the threat of an escalation of the allied Japan with the rival of both powers – Russia. The author comes to the conclusion that the Anglo-Japanese alliance of 1902 was comprehensively covered in the central and provincial print media of Great Britain.

Keywords: Anglo-Japanese alliance, press, Great Britain, Japan, Russia.

Orel State University (Russia)

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