DOI: 10.22281/2413-9912-2022-06-03-131-137
Tkacheva M.V.
The article considers the stages of ceramic production of the Kolochinsky archaeological culture in the Upper Dnieper region. The ceramic material was studied on the basis of morphological and technological analysis of ceramic fragments found during archaeological excavations at the sites of Zmeevka (Pelageevskoe settlement) in the city of Mogilev, Radomlya, Chausy district, Mogilev region, Dashkovka, Mogilev district, Mogilev region. Previously, Kolochinsk pottery was studied by archaeologists E.A. Symanovich and O.A. Makushnikov and had a descriptive character of morphological features. The relevance of the topic of the article is due to the lack of a comprehensive study on the territory of the Upper Dnieper region with a detailed consideration of the stages of ceramic production among the tribes of the Kolochin archaeological culture. The purpose of the work is to consider the stages of ceramic production of the Kolochin culture based on the materials of the Upper Dnieper region. The analysis of ceramic production technology was carried out in the context of the historical and cultural approach developed by the Russian archaeologist A.A. Bobrinsky. The entire ceramic material is analyzed in the article according to such indicators as the composition of the molding mass, the method of surface treatment, and manufacturing features. The conclusion is made about similar morphological features of ceramics with ceramic material originating from the reference monument of the Kolochin culture — the settlement of Kolochin I, Loevsky district, Gomel region.
Keywords: stucco ceramics, Kolochin culture, Belarusian Dnieper region, Zmeevka, Radomlya, Kolochin I, Dashkovka-3, ceramic production, gruss.
Mogilev State University named after I.I. A.A. Kuleshov” (Belarus)
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