
DOI: 10.22281/2413-9912-2022-06-04-123-128

Simonenko E.S.


The paper studies the main provisions of the concept of Imperial defense formulated by the British Colonial Secretary J. Chamberlain during the Colonial conference of 1897. It limits the chronological scope of the work to the period of the Conference (June 24 to July 29, 1897). It traces the origins of the idea of ​​holding colonial conferences within the British Empire to discuss general imperial problems. It compares the first three colonial conferences of 1887, 1894 and 1897 in order to identify differences between them in form and content. It formulates the main provisions of the concept of J. Chamberlain, devotes to two aspects of imperial defense (naval and land). It clarifies the degree of coincidence of the views of J. Chamberlain and the British Admiralty on the problem of interaction with the colonies in the field of naval defense. It characterizes the position of the British white colonies (Australia and Canada) on the issues of Imperial defense integration. It characterizes the results of the work of the Colonial conference of 1897. During the Colonial conference of 1897, the Minister for the Colonies, J. Chamberlain, formulated the concept of Imperial defense, which consisted of two parts. The first part described the mechanism for attracting the white colonies of the British Empire to participate in Naval defense through direct and regular contributions to the British Treasury for the needs of the Royal Navy, modeled on the Australian Naval Agreement of 1887. The second part was devoted to the details of the Imperial land defense, which was being built on the principles of unification and standardization. J. Chamberlain proposed to unify the colonial armies as much as possible and bring them into line with British standards so that, if necessary, they could participate in the wars waged by the Empire.

Keywords: British Empire, Colonial conference of 1897, Imperial defense, British colonies, Joseph Chamberlain, George Goshen, Wilfrid Laurier, Charles Kingston.

Primorskaya State Agricultural Academy (Russia)

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