


Kudlanov K.B., Golubkov R.O.


The study is based on the analysis of previously unpublished sources of RGADA, and other narrative sources. In the article researchers from the middle of XVI-th century compared the places of exit of settlers at two service cities that were situated on the Tula defensive system: Oryol and Putivl. In the course of the study, the authors, distributing the exit points of all the service military classes of Putivl and Orel along the trajectories of settlement, established similarities and differences between them. The main difference was that these two counties were located on different river systems (Orel on the Okskaya river system, and Putivl – on the tributaries of the Desna River). This difference imposed its own characteristics on 4 common features between these counties, which the authors identified. The similarity consisted, firstly, in the predominance of the northern Great Russian migration flow. True, it flowed to Oryol from the cities of the Tula defensive line, and to Putivl – from places outside of Moscow. Secondly, in a strong neighborhood trajectory of settlement. Only in Orel it flowed from the advanced cities of the Tula defensive system, and in Putivl – from the northern cities. Thirdly, in the presence of the local population, the descendants of the vyatichi in Orel, and the sevryuki in Putivl. However, given that the last city did not cease to exist, the concentration of the local population within its county was stronger. The main similarity of the studied counties consisted in the methods of settlement, because both in Putivl and in Orel there were all 3 categories of service migrants: unauthorized migrants, resettled people in military service and the local population. As a result, the authors conclude that in Putivl and Orel districts the northern and local trajectories of settlement were the main ones, with the absolute dominance of the first, and the rest were auxiliary. Thus, the slight difference in the geolocation of the studied counties did not cancel the similarity of the general methods and features of the settlement of these areas from the middle of XVI century.

Keywords: military service people, warriors, one-courtyard people, smallholders, trajectory, settlers, county, Central Chernozem region.

the Kursk branch of the ROIA (Russia)

the Kursk historical genealogical society (Russia)

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