

DOI: 10.22281/2413-9912-2023-07-03-83-91

Kulakov V. I.


The proposed article contains data on Prussian settlements, according to their characteristics, used by the Prussians during the sieges of order castles in the 13th century. These fortifications can be characterized as follows: During sieges, the Prussians used the settlements as strongholds for the deployment of their militia and, possibly, to block the communication of the besieged with the outside world. Both the settlements founded by the Prussians before the aggression of the Order as part of the development of territories to the east of their tribal area, and the settlements created during siege operations became siege settlements. In the latter case, hastily built fortifications, not properly processed, were not adapted to accommodate a significant number of soldiers. The above features of the Prussian siege settlements, as well as the lack of basic knowledge of the Western Balts regarding the principles of military art modern for that time (despite the praise of the Prussians from Peter von Dusburg, which was most likely a figure of speech for the text of the chronicle) did not lead to the success of siege activities Prussians. Not a single serious order castle was taken by them as a result of a correct siege. This aspect played a negative role in the struggle of the Prussians against crusader aggression and ultimately became the key to their defeat in the half-century struggle. It is indicative that the siege settlements presented in the article are located, as a rule, on the eastern outskirts of Sambia, the center of the Prussian tribal area, or to the east of it, but the lands mastered by the Prussians. True, subjugated to the horse. 13th century the inhabitants of Sambia were no longer capable of sieges of order castles and could not build siege settlements.

Keywords: Prussians, Sambia, siege, settlements, Teutonic Order.

Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)

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